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Ways to improve your circulation
for general health
(Covid-19 can damage your circulatory system.)
Family Walking On the Beach

Your circulatory tree holds about 60,000 miles of blood vessels. This network carries blood to every part of your body. But if your circulation slows or is blocked the cells in your body do not get the oxygen and nutrients they need.


Signs of Poor Circulation

When your limbs cannot get enough blood, your hands or feet may feel cold or numb. Poor circulation also can dry your skin, turn your nails brittle, and make your hair fall out, especially on your feet and legs.


Take out the tobacco

Nicotine found in cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco harms the walls of your arteries and thickens your blood. If you smoke seek help to quit.


Check Your Blood Pressure

If it is too high, it can cause arteriosclerosis, a condition that hardens your arteries.


Drink water

Blood is about half water, so you need to stay hydrated to keep it moving. Aim for 1-2 litres per day; drink more if you exercise or if it is hot outside.



Aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” when you run, bike, walk, swim, you take in more oxygen and your heart pumps it around your body. Over time it helps to lower your blood pressure. Walking is a good start say 20 minute a day. A rate of three miles per hour or more benefits you most.


Eat more plants and less meat

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from saturated fats that can be found in red meat, chicken, cheese, and other animal sources. Steer clear of too much salt. That will help keep your arteries clear and your weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure in a healthy range.


Dip or sip

Hot baths get your circulation going. The heat opens your blood vessels allowing more blood through. Drinking hot water or teas work too.



This information is for educational purposes only. For any advice on medicinal use of herbs consult a registered Medical Herbalist.



Knowledge and best practice in the health field are constantly changing.  Each person and illness is also unique and no general information can anticipate every circumstance, nor be appropriate for every reader. Each individual case is best assessed in person by a qualified health advisor.

In the case of remedies or other products, users should read the label carefully for detailed information about safe use and in the case of natural products should choose responsible manufacturers with independently assured quality standards and safety monitoring procedures.

To the fullest extent of the law, neither Richard Adams nor the authors, contributors or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the materials herein.

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